I never usually get caught up in book-movie hype, I never did with Harry Potter or with Twilight either. Although the The Hunger Games trilogy is a teen based book just like those, I really couldn't help myself - I had to read it! I knew a bit about the story, what it was all about, but not enough to spoil the plot. I wanted to read the book before I saw the movie, there just seemed to be something about the story that made me want to use my own imagination to create this alternate future and I didn't want the movie to spoil that.
I started reading the book in early May and finally finished it after a couple of days away travelling on trains around London and Leeds. I was so pleased to finally finish it, it's been way to long since I started and finished a book so quickly! I'm really glad to finish it while the movie was still playing in the cinema, it meant that because I finished the book on the Thursday we were able to go and see the movie on Saturday afternoon.
I think the movie was made so well and really represented the book. A couple of differences, but they're so small that they're not worth mentioning. I'm now on book two and the second movie isn't out for over a year! Never mind, I really love these books at the moment and will probably seek out similar kinds of stories and genres - I've not enjoyed a book like this in years!