Two years on and I'm still working on completing my list of 101 things, slow and steady. I've come to terms with the fact that I won't complete them all and this yearly review cannot be me changing the whole list just so I can complete all 101. For this review I'm not going to remove/replace very much, instead I'm just going to tweak some that might actually be achievable.
Just like
last year, those that are replaced or changed count as incomplete with my money to charity pledge still standing - although this one itself will change to a lesser amount per incomplete (who knew I'd have so many incomplete, I can't afford all that! Sorry, charity...).
All of the below will be getting slight tweaks:
001. Donate £5 to charity for each mission I don’t complete
021. Read all the books that I own but haven’t read yet
031. Order grocery shopping online 50 times
044. Lose 50lbs, 10lbs at a time
051. Take a photo of the same place every month for a year
054. Do 'A Day In The Life' 10 times
060. Have 12 'No-Buy' months
062. Save £100 a month
063. Buy 20 lucky dip Lotto tickets
079. Buy five sets of matching underwear
092. Bake brownies for someone who’s having a bad day
100. List 5 things I'm grateful for once a month
And these ones are gone to be replaced by something when the inspiration strikes me:
038. Run a 5K
053. Make my own Christmas cards to send out
055. Make my own Christmas decorations
069. Spend Christmas in a different country
074. Go to a Christmas market in Germany
080. Have electrolysis treatment at the salon twice a month
With only 9 months to go, I wonder if I'll even make it to half this list completed? Who knows, but at least I know I tried.